People with type 2 diabetes may also need insulin shots to help them process sugar and prevent them from developing long-term problems. While there are various types of insulin treatments for people with diabetes, along with diet and regular exercise regimen, most people who have type 2 diabetes are treated first with oral medications instead of receiving needle injections.
For more than 3,000 years diabetes has been recognized a as a deadly and devastating incurable desease. Symptoms of this desease are recorded as far back as 400 B.C. During this time period an Indian physician known as Susruta (2008) believed that diabetes was disease of the urinary tract. Not only that but he also associated diabetes with obesity and young people. While healthcare professionals may agree that obesity can increase the chances of a person developing diabetes, age is certainly not a factor because diabetes is a disease that does not …show more content…
Exercising regularly and staying fit can help people maintain good health and avoid long-term complication of diabetes. It can also help them maintain the range of their glucose level. Another benefit of exercise is that it helps the insulin absorb glucose into the body cells and muscles to provide energy. However, when the body fails to produce the proper amount of insulin, or use it efficiently, the body may hold a very high level of blood sugar which then turns into diabetes. If this happens, a person may develop long-term complications that may lead to other health problems such as heart disease, blindness, stroke, hypertension, and heart