Dealing With The Devil In Washington Irving's The Devil And Tom Walker

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The Devil was can take many different shapes and forms in life. It can take the form of a human all the way to the form of a drug. Satan, Lucifer and Old Scratch are many different names that the Devil is called. However, the Devil is not only person it is anything you are addicted to and very difficult to get out of. For example, like an addiction to drugs is a form of the Devil, because you can’t live without it. Nevertheless, the Devil can take form as a human, and will persuade you into making a deal with him or her to get your soul.
In the story by Washington Irving The Devil and Tom Walker it was about a man name Tom that made a deal with the Devil. Originally, Tom refused to make the deal with the Devil because he wanted to get back at his wife who physically and verbally abuses him. However, after Tom told his wife that he refused the offer, she tried to
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Jason was a freshmen in high school and he wanted to be popular, he wanted to fit in and he wanted to be noticed by everybody. So one day Jason went to the bathroom, and the Devil showed up saying that he will give Jason popularity for the rest of his high school years if he gets his soul at the end of his senior year. Jason was very hesitant about the deal, so the Devil pushed Jason against the wall forcefully and made him accept the deal. At the end of Jason’s senior year, the Devil came back and attempted to take Jason’s soul, however, with the help of Jason’s friends he was able to escape the Devil. In conclusion, the Devil can take form as a human, and will persuade you into making a deal with him or her to get your soul. Consequently, making a deal with the Devil does not always turn out well and you have a chance of selling your soul to the Devil. You can attempt to escape the Devil, but that does not mean you can fully escape him. Lastly, just be careful who you trust and make a deal

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