David Garner Case

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On July 17, 2014 in Staten Island, New York a black man by the name Eric Garner was approached by New York City police officers. The NYPD made claims to approaching Mr. Garner under the suspicion that he was selling unlicensed cigarettes. Mr. Garner at the time proceeded to tell the officers that he was not selling unlicensed cigarettes and that he was tired of police officers harassing him. Shortly after, officers began to arrest Mr. Garner in which he willingly resisted moving his arms away. A police officer than came behind Mr. Garner putting his arms around his neck and pushing him down onto the ground where four police officers came swarming in detaining Eric Garner. “ In an amateur video taken during Garner's arrest it shows a plain clothes police officer placing him in what appears be a chokehold, which is banned under NYPD policy. In the video, Garner can be …show more content…
The Baltimore Police Department arrested Mr. Gray under the allegations that he had possessed an illegal switchblade. While Mr. Gray was being transported to the police station he fell into a coma, and was taken to a trauma center where he died seven days later due to spinal cord injuries. A medical examiner concluded that due to the injuries that Freddie Gray sustained that his death was considered a homicide. The conditions of his injuries were unclear but witnesses suggested that officers had used unnecessary force on Freddie Gray causing his injuries. As a result of Freddie Gray’s death it caused an uproar in downtown Baltimore resulting in thirty-four arrests and injuries to fifteen police officers. On May 21, 2015 all six police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray were indicted and sentenced to jail time. In the settlement of Freddie Gray’s case Baltimore officials approved a 6.4 million deal to settle all the civil claims tied to Freddie Gray’s

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