Snow’s Rede lecture, The Two Cultures, as a freshman student at Harvard College. According to Snow, England education was split between the scientists and those in the arts and humanities, who misunderstood and disagreed with each other constantly on the importance of science. The Harvard class had attended a discussion between a scientist and a poet and Balamuth had come to the conclusion that Snow was completely right and stated, “I don’t think either one hear a word the other said.” When asked about how long society would continue to support research and the consequences if scientist and laypeople failed to come to an agreement, Balamuth stated that society should support the scientific research done in order to sustain life on earth. Balamuth also states that scientists should realize that their resources are provided as a result of the hard work of others. Without scientific research, citizens would be clueless and helpless if the earth were to ever deteriorate or shut down. I agree that science will help us survive on earth and that it is important for us to be educated on the impacts of scientific research. Without continuous research done by scientists, many of earth’s phenomenon’s will remain unknown and can impact humans in the future in dangerous ways. Balamuth believes that citizens need to understand that the questions about the universe will affect them too. People …show more content…
Scientists should get more credit for the work they do for the world and the arguments between scientists and those of the arts and humanities background should come to an end. Science helps the world evolve and can is a very important part of everyone’s lives. In order to fully appreciate the power of science, we as citizens must be willing to help fund scientists for the many experiments and tests they need done. This can help revolutionize the human species and possibly cure medical mysteries such as cancer. Balamuth has proven that science is important to understand in order to sustain life on earth, overcome illnesses such as cancer, and discover many things unknown to man. It is important for everyone to be educated on science and why they do what they do. Scientists are at the start of something that can change the lives of many. It is just a matter of support from others and compromise between the two conflicting groups stated by C.P Snow. Just as Balamuth stated, “we are literally beginning to understand the alphabet of life, but it’s a long way from there to writing the