First, If you are like me, I procrastinate on a regular basis, I sometimes surprise on how I get things done before they are even due. Mostly I stress …show more content…
So make use of them and start studying. I have two of my class textbooks in my phone so I know that no matter where I am if I have any free time at all I start to read my book and review what I know. It helps me a lot because I start to study even without knowing it and it helps me to stay on top my classes. Fifth,I know how much our generation is addicted to our technologies; we can 't seem to live without them. My most previous thing is my cell phone so when I was studying for my final for Anatomy and Physiology, I gave my phone away to my aunt who I was staying with, and I didn 't even want it back because I was actually scared to ask it back from her, because I knew she will give me a lecture and be disappointed in me. Due to that fear I studied hard and got a good grade.
Sixth, now with technologies at our fingertips, there are some useful sites we could use. There are sites online where we could set a time on how long we want to study, it will block us out from all the social media and cut out anything that will distract us. If that 's not enough where there is another site where we could put some amount of money in and then if we do not finish our task within a certain time limit it will donate the money to your most hated charity. Who would want