DBQ Essay: The Silk Road

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The Silk Road was not a single route but rather a network of trails. Silk road was not the only Item that was treated gold, gems, glass, ivory, stones dates, grapes, carpets, rugs were also treated. Many of the items That they treated for were a secret and they didn't know how to Make them. For example, Europe was interested in silk and porcelain (they couldn't make it) and some of the effects that the Silk Road had on culture were that People came together, Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another and they shared ideas and culture (As seen in document # 1) ,The spreading of ideas , spread of religion food and culture diffusion means , The mixing of world cultures through different Religion …show more content…
The role of bureaucracy when it comes to the silk road is they created a strong dynasty and a strong silk road, one of the main causes that lead on the creation of the silk road was that Asians were interested in Central Asia because of Zhang Qiang …show more content…
However it all began the first great era of trade along the silk road (As seen in document #3).The silk road spread by going through the same direction as the black death did as well which spread more (According to document #5) One example of an effect on cultural diffusion is that Manicheism is a mixture of Zoroastrianism Judasim christianity and ancient greek ideas. It’s an example of diffusion cultural by showing the different types of

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