A country is its people, and with a disaffected populace of future-adults, it will decay. Inadequate education, limited school resources, and high dropout rates are all big problems that stem from an identifiable source. For as much as we spend on education, we don’t see much improvement because the system is going about improving the wrong way. Too much focus is put on grades and standardized tests, forcing students to simply recite information, rather than actually learn anything. An increase in spending on education would best work if it incorporated education reform. More one-on-one meetings with students, individualized lessons, and different teaching methods could all be promoted by a budget increase. The key, though, is to use the money wisely. Education, as it is now, and as it may become, ideally promotes general welfare by equipping people with the tools they need to survive. It also promotes liberty by putting them in positions to do what they want with their lives. Either Transportation (2.7%/$103 billion – Document D) or Homeland Security (1.5%/$60 billion – Document D) could be shaved to buff Education, the reasoning being that we already have working transportation, and that certain parts of
A country is its people, and with a disaffected populace of future-adults, it will decay. Inadequate education, limited school resources, and high dropout rates are all big problems that stem from an identifiable source. For as much as we spend on education, we don’t see much improvement because the system is going about improving the wrong way. Too much focus is put on grades and standardized tests, forcing students to simply recite information, rather than actually learn anything. An increase in spending on education would best work if it incorporated education reform. More one-on-one meetings with students, individualized lessons, and different teaching methods could all be promoted by a budget increase. The key, though, is to use the money wisely. Education, as it is now, and as it may become, ideally promotes general welfare by equipping people with the tools they need to survive. It also promotes liberty by putting them in positions to do what they want with their lives. Either Transportation (2.7%/$103 billion – Document D) or Homeland Security (1.5%/$60 billion – Document D) could be shaved to buff Education, the reasoning being that we already have working transportation, and that certain parts of