African Art Festival is a St. Louis tradition in the city. It’s sponsored by Washington University, Saint Louis Zoo, Saint Louis Art Museum, Office of Minority Health, and Recycling on the Go organization. The festival was located in Forest Park in St. Louis. Over half of the park was filled with African artists, vendors, and african musicians and dancers. The festival was a three day long event. May 28th - until May 30th. Each day the event started at 10 and ended between 6pm and 8pm. The weekend affair attracts people from the St. Louis area and out of town guests. The festival is to celebrate and understand the mass culture of the many Africans in this country. Also the festival allows other cultures to learn the significance of the culture and their customs and traditions. “The mission of the festival is to increase the awareness of the global contributions of African people and people of African descent have made through art, cultural, and educational programs.”
The African Art festival was held in and outside of Forest Park. Inside of the pillars were all the …show more content…
Louis. One of their names was Eboh. Eboh is a 28 year old female attending Washington University. She was one of the dancers on stage during the entertainment portion of the festival. I was so amazed by their dance steps and the way they move to the music. She made me join them on stage as part of their instructional dance performance. They brought 5 females and males to teach them some of the steps. I was a little embarrassed, but it was very fun. After the performance, I asked her how she feels about the festival. She said, “I think it 's a great idea, I love dancing and expressing my culture this way. I love teaching others about my culture.” She believed that displaying her culture and traditions will help people see them as people and not