Effective Communication In Health Care Organizations

Improved Essays
When working as a hired consultant for a chief executive officer of a health care organization on how to improve tools and practices to work in teams more efficiently. How to build cross functional teams and work together to improve the decision making process. We are going to identify elements found in an effective health care team. Work on identifying barriers to communications that can happen in groups. Work on identifying communication techniques that can be utilized in avoiding conflicts. Work on ways to improve communication among departments in health care organizations. Work on identifying areas that can be used to avoid recurring conflicts and ways for a leader to work on preventing conflict in a team environment.
First we
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The first technique that can be utilized is accommodating this will ensure the conflict is over by ignoring the issue at hand at times but this only recommended when you are in the wrong and need to back out gracefully. The next technique is compromising the situation. This will allow the two parties to come to an agreeable solution that may not be ideal for either side but is considered a quick fix to conflict. Then there is collaborating which is the technique that will solve the conflict. This is utilized when an issue is too important to be compromised but need a solution reached that will ensure both sides interests are met. These three techniques can be discussed in depth at a staff meeting with demonstrations to ensure that staff understands the concepts in resolving conflict by utilizing these three techniques to the best possible conclusion (American, …show more content…
The first thing to remember is try to understand where the source of the conflict is coming from. The small things such as not unloading a full dishwasher is making you frustrated try to figure out what the real source of the conflict is maybe it 's because that employee is not pulling his or her weight on the floor. Another tip to remember when avoiding conflict is to ensure the generational differences are seen as a value to the company and not a burden for the employees. Next as an employer you have to recognize what happens as a result of too much conflict in a team environment. With too much conflict on a team the members could choose to just leave instead of dealing with conflict that is not getting resolved. Before that occurs you as a leader need to watch out for decreased productivity or team members avoiding each other. Being aware of the consequences of conflict means before the conflict becomes an issue you as a leader can deal or resolve the issue. When conflict occurs keep a level head and don 't get emotionally involved and if as a leader you need to apologize and end the conversation and say we will come back to this discussion in a few days when everyone has cooled down. This way an emotionally charged scene was averted and the conflict didn 't go to a point where the respect between the team members is still present. As the leader of the team

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