Get over it” (King 64). King concedes that it is fair for fans to get attached, as they recognize that team and have fond memories practicing the rituals and traditions associated with the team name; but King also pinpoints that post-Civil Rights era America generates this feeling that racism is not a problem anymore, simply an unwarranted feeling at best. While expressing minimal sympathy to Redskins fans, King still makes it very clear that the harms associated with Native American mascots certainly outweigh the fan’s sense of connection. The core of King’s reasoning for this opinion centers around the fact that while racist practices have been in place for some time, a traditions longevity does not make it any less racist, yet rather opens the door for more ignorant decisions. King personifies this by recounting the former president of the National Congress of American Indians experience a Redskins game, where people started pulling her hair and calling her a redskin, leaving her to feel
Get over it” (King 64). King concedes that it is fair for fans to get attached, as they recognize that team and have fond memories practicing the rituals and traditions associated with the team name; but King also pinpoints that post-Civil Rights era America generates this feeling that racism is not a problem anymore, simply an unwarranted feeling at best. While expressing minimal sympathy to Redskins fans, King still makes it very clear that the harms associated with Native American mascots certainly outweigh the fan’s sense of connection. The core of King’s reasoning for this opinion centers around the fact that while racist practices have been in place for some time, a traditions longevity does not make it any less racist, yet rather opens the door for more ignorant decisions. King personifies this by recounting the former president of the National Congress of American Indians experience a Redskins game, where people started pulling her hair and calling her a redskin, leaving her to feel