Through this process some people who could also be talented are squandered. He claims that people hold dear to the idea of success being “simple function of individual merit”. He gives the idea of putting children in groups by their birth month for competition to people closer to their age. He believes success is created from hard work and opportunity. In America, the word success and intelligence are tied together, but this isn’t completely true. He show that intelligence isn’t always better with an experiment of creativity. The children with the higher IQs came up with less ideas of what they could do with a sheet and a brick that the children with lower IQs. Childhood cultivate the child’s success because what they learn from their families helps them in the future. A child with less parental contact would be less likely to learn skill to help them preserve in the future. Gladwell brings up the idea of cultural identity being a factor of a person’s success rate. Many successful people were in born in a time that helped their skill improve and set into action. Where a person starts out is a big part of what makes them successful in the future. There are many other factors that the individuals couldn’t control that helped with the individual’s success. Gladwell presents an idea of how our past is an important part of our lives. He moves the topic to airplanes and how flights go well or poorly. They based on one factor, the communication of the crew. He relates this to how people communicate to the cultures they are from. Our pasts affect how we behave and relate to the world around us. He brings the topic to China and their education system that makes it easier for youth to understand math. He also talks about the determination of rice farmer and how much they work. He combines the ideas together that asian students are more intelligent due to their perseverance to learn math. In America’s legacies we have a belief that after work we get rest, while in China after work you get a reward. He argues that summer vacations is too long so children in lower income families can’t be productive. He explains the idea of sacrifice, some may have to sacrifice things to become successful. Mainly he shows
Through this process some people who could also be talented are squandered. He claims that people hold dear to the idea of success being “simple function of individual merit”. He gives the idea of putting children in groups by their birth month for competition to people closer to their age. He believes success is created from hard work and opportunity. In America, the word success and intelligence are tied together, but this isn’t completely true. He show that intelligence isn’t always better with an experiment of creativity. The children with the higher IQs came up with less ideas of what they could do with a sheet and a brick that the children with lower IQs. Childhood cultivate the child’s success because what they learn from their families helps them in the future. A child with less parental contact would be less likely to learn skill to help them preserve in the future. Gladwell brings up the idea of cultural identity being a factor of a person’s success rate. Many successful people were in born in a time that helped their skill improve and set into action. Where a person starts out is a big part of what makes them successful in the future. There are many other factors that the individuals couldn’t control that helped with the individual’s success. Gladwell presents an idea of how our past is an important part of our lives. He moves the topic to airplanes and how flights go well or poorly. They based on one factor, the communication of the crew. He relates this to how people communicate to the cultures they are from. Our pasts affect how we behave and relate to the world around us. He brings the topic to China and their education system that makes it easier for youth to understand math. He also talks about the determination of rice farmer and how much they work. He combines the ideas together that asian students are more intelligent due to their perseverance to learn math. In America’s legacies we have a belief that after work we get rest, while in China after work you get a reward. He argues that summer vacations is too long so children in lower income families can’t be productive. He explains the idea of sacrifice, some may have to sacrifice things to become successful. Mainly he shows