I can hear him coming in the house the clicks of his boots, rumble through the house it gets louder as he comes down the hall I sat up on the couch waiting for him to come in. “Hi honey welcome home..” I said timidily.
“Hello.”he said shortly.
“How was work today?” I asked trying to sound like I cared.
“Fine.” He said.
“Alright..” I said getting up from …show more content…
Forever.” I snickered at him. I went up to bed, I snuggled under my covers then I heard a crash of his glass falling to the floor smashing into a million little pieces. “Ahh, finally some peace of mind.” I whispered to myself before falling into and worry free slumber. I woke up in the morning and went down stairs it dawn on me that there was a dead body in my living room, I couldn't just leave him here, I went and examine my belated husband, he was foamed and the mouth he stunk of alcohol and poison, I couldn't call the police and act as if he just died in his chair, I had to fake his death. I dragged his body up the stairs and pushed him down so the police would think he had a heartattack, I wiped the foam from his mouth, then ran to the phone and dialled the …show more content…
He opened a evidence bag and picked up the peices we then moved into the kitchen there was a thin layer od the pill dust on the counter the cop looke at me suspicious about this powder “what is this?”
I panicked and told him it was sugar from my morning coffee. “Ma’am there is no dirty coffee cup or dirty pot” he asked me, I could feel him seeing through my cover up. “I washed them already” I said trying to convince him that it was sugar. He didn't believe a word I said.
“Mrs. Smith I think you need to come with me down to the station”
“ no sir you dont understand, ive been in this marriage for ten years and he's been abusive and he's drinks every night and he…” the cop stopped my babbling and put me under arrest. “ Rachel smith you are under arrest for the murder of Jim Smith, you have the right to remain silent, what you say can and will be held against in court.” he walked me out to the squad car
“Sir please I only did it to save my own life” I said trying to save