I have been at Valley Forge for 2 months now. It’s very dreadful here. How is it back home?. We have walked so long and so far our shoes have worn done so as long as you are not starving and walking miles you are doing better than i am. Sometimes I wonder why did I join this dreadful misery…… but then it hits me when i have doubts of this war, i joined to give freedom to our nation, a better life for you and the boys.
It’s been so hard here over the past 3 months soldiers have died mostly of starvation. Others try to flee back to their homelands. George catches one of the few bunches. He has great patience dealing with them but, after 2 or 3 times, they are beaten or killed. Winters were especially tough, everyone is in fear of having the new disease called smallpox. It spreads like a wildfire and many people have died. So many people have died through the winter with smallpox, starvation, and and prisoners fleeing to many times. …show more content…
He is losing much of the respect that he was known for and based on the camp im not sure if they oughta get rid of him or not, all i'm sure is i dont want to live like this no more! We all should not have to live like this packed like sardines, 12 people in a small little tent like structure! sometimes I still have doubts of bolting i want to serve my country just not like this, rotten away at a camp! I just hope the war ends soon, I would say around a year to 2 years i don't know lets just pray to god it will be over soon. If we get out of this camp get food and shoot your rifle at the pigs they call british then i will see you and johnny soon enough. I will stay and fight for i am not no coward and we will win this this war for you, johnny, the men we lost and to America's freedom. Let me know how you are and john