These few lines tell a lot in regard to the development of the love life between the speaker and her interlocutor, for she is addressing someone when she speaks those lines. She has found that domesticity is not much fun. A woman gets tied up with the domestic chores and cannot afford to have the croissant moments or the cinema time out. Unless she lets someone else take the wooden spoon. The wooden spoon is symbolic of the domestication of the woman and it represents the household chores that engage a woman in her domestic sphere. The last three lines form a kind of summary to the grand journey of family. After wondering whether she was condemned to making soup, which figuratively, represents the household chores, she says: So we watch the birds fly over Wells Fargo. It’s hard to believe they get up that far. The three lines indicate that after she passed on the cooking stick, she reclaimed her position alongside her man and they can stare at the twilight years in the comfort of each other as they watch birds flying over Wells Fargo. Spirit of adventure never died at the cooking pot. She can still afford to treasure the time spent with her man. There is a theme of overcoming the drudgery of home making and people can reclaim the small things that make life worth living without compromising their responsibility to each
These few lines tell a lot in regard to the development of the love life between the speaker and her interlocutor, for she is addressing someone when she speaks those lines. She has found that domesticity is not much fun. A woman gets tied up with the domestic chores and cannot afford to have the croissant moments or the cinema time out. Unless she lets someone else take the wooden spoon. The wooden spoon is symbolic of the domestication of the woman and it represents the household chores that engage a woman in her domestic sphere. The last three lines form a kind of summary to the grand journey of family. After wondering whether she was condemned to making soup, which figuratively, represents the household chores, she says: So we watch the birds fly over Wells Fargo. It’s hard to believe they get up that far. The three lines indicate that after she passed on the cooking stick, she reclaimed her position alongside her man and they can stare at the twilight years in the comfort of each other as they watch birds flying over Wells Fargo. Spirit of adventure never died at the cooking pot. She can still afford to treasure the time spent with her man. There is a theme of overcoming the drudgery of home making and people can reclaim the small things that make life worth living without compromising their responsibility to each