If Aethelbert became a Christian leader and helped to convert his subjects, then he would be as great as Constantine. For the most powerful king in Britain, that must have been convincing. However, S.D. Church counters that Gregory the Great was not the most influential in converting the Anglo-Saxon King. The influence of his wife; a need for a literate government supported by a strong institution; and Merovingian influences, were all greater than the influence of the pope, according to S.D. Church. Regardless, it was the Italian missionaries under the guidance of Gregory that converted and taught the Anglo-Saxons, and they were then able to influence the next generation of clergy on the island of Britain. Most of Gregory’s correspondence on the mission was not with the King, but with Augustine of Canterbury. For once the conversion of the king was complete, Augustine had to start building the framework for a lasting church on the isle of Britain, and his mentor in that process was
If Aethelbert became a Christian leader and helped to convert his subjects, then he would be as great as Constantine. For the most powerful king in Britain, that must have been convincing. However, S.D. Church counters that Gregory the Great was not the most influential in converting the Anglo-Saxon King. The influence of his wife; a need for a literate government supported by a strong institution; and Merovingian influences, were all greater than the influence of the pope, according to S.D. Church. Regardless, it was the Italian missionaries under the guidance of Gregory that converted and taught the Anglo-Saxons, and they were then able to influence the next generation of clergy on the island of Britain. Most of Gregory’s correspondence on the mission was not with the King, but with Augustine of Canterbury. For once the conversion of the king was complete, Augustine had to start building the framework for a lasting church on the isle of Britain, and his mentor in that process was