According to Augustine in his confession he states “All agree that they want to be happy, just as, if they were asked, they would all agree that they desired joy.” What Augustus means by saying this is that …show more content…
Let’s dissect this question by dividing it into two parts. First of all why does God introduce his grace into our life? Why does it seem to be that some people have grace offered to them in more abrupt ways than others? Does God choose Favorites? The answer to the latter is no, God cannot choose favorites simply because it is not in his nature as well as because all of creation was designed after him. That would be like a red skittle picking his favorite amongst a group of red skittles, it is pointless to a degree. So then why do some people seem to have more of a noticeable encounter with Grace than others? The answer lies in Romans 30:22-24 “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Thus implying that the only way to be able to receive his grace is through believing in God and placing your faith in him. As of 2010 there was an estimated 2.2 billion people who claimed to be Christians this is equivalent to thirty one percent of all 6.9 billion people in the world. This statistic shows us that if we were to survey ten people seven- of them would claim that others have the grace they are looking for, Leaving only three people who would have grace in their life simply because they are believers in Jesus Christ! So now why does God grant us his grace? The answer is quite simple, it is because it is naturally in his nature! God wants to show us his grace through different avenues however perhaps the greatest display of his grace to the world was his son Jesus Christ. God sent his son to the world in order to pardon us of our trespasses through the death of Jesus on the cross. He has done all of this for us out of love, love that asks for nothing