Aims: Paul and Wallace wanted to do an experiment to see if both facial and emotional expressions are shared from culture to culture. What is facial and emotional expression? Facial and emotional expressions can very; these expressions could include crying, smiling, or laughing. With this Background knowledge under their belt they were determined to find if different cultures would react the same way by using their expressions.
Methods: Before we get into the think of things I want to tell you what Paul and Wallace’s independent and dependent variable where. The dependent variable was the facial expression as there is a base result for showing happiness, which is smiling. The independent variable was on the cultures, I say this because they never stayed in one culture; they were always moving to see if facial expression changed or where universal between the cultures. Their main method was to show still photos to various cultures to examine and to “determine whether the same facial behavior would be judged as the same emotion, regardless of observers’ culture” (Constants Across Cultures In The Face And Emotion). Furthermore, Ekman, Friesen, and Tomkins’s handpicked each still photo “on the basis of their conformity” (Constants Across Cultures In …show more content…
They realized after the experiment that every cultural that they were examining “had exposure to some of the same mass media portrayals of facial behavior” (Constants Across Cultures In The Face And Emotion) this results in observational