We can look at riots from particular perspectives by examining social order and disorder through “riots” and their relationship to the political ideologies of “conservatism” and “radicalism”. These two ideologies have decidedly different viewpoints of the causes and meanings of riots and the effect they have in promoting change, or as a result , the “strengthening” of social order.
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Conservatism views rioting as a negative action which is entirely disorderly and destructive and that it undermines long-standing institutions, conventions and hierarchies. (2014, p. 306)
Radicalism as an ideology originates in the belief that society needs to be changed by revolutionary means, such as political protest and riots against the governing bodies and authorities, by challenging the current social order and its policies rather than submitting to them as the social norm. The ideology of Radicalism argues that many riots have played an important part in delivering social change from below (2014, p. 301).
When we compare and contrast the two ideologies, we see how they can influence the way riots are presented to the public by the media and how they are perceived by society as a result.
In August of 2011,there were a series of intense riots, ‘The Blackberry riots’, that lasted throughout England for four days. The initial radical stimulus was incited by the shooting of Mark Duggan a young black man who was shot by a police officer in North London. The riots were deemed as the worst acts of civil disorder in recent UK