The benefits of recycling have been increasing …show more content…
At first, no one notices any type of difference because the effects would need at least a few days to make a major impact. People would start to notice that more trees are disappearing and no new trees would be seen anywhere. The rate that we would cut them down would increase at a much faster rate so no new trees would grow naturally. So the resource known as wood would soon disappear. Once we start cutting down all the trees in the forest animals would have no habitat to live in and soon become extinct because of habitat destruction A different impact would be the size of landfills increasing at a remarkable rate. The land that the landfills would need could have been used as land for homes and later there will be no space to hide all of our trash. The smell of the landfills would spread to a much larger radius. The smell of the landfills would soon become toxic to because we would now be burning styrofoam, batteries, and cleaning supplies. If the-the toxic chemicals make it to the ground it could cause disastrous damage to the soil. With all of the new trash being thrown away, the landfills would become harder to manage. You now see that recycling may not make such a big impact in the U.S in your eyes today but if there weren’t programs designed for the purpose of recycling we would see the impact it would have made in an