Pre-1953 saw the rise and fall of the Nazi regime over most of Europe, during the 1930’s an associated symbol with the regime included book burnings carried out by Nazi Germany. These burnings played a major role in repression as there was heavy censorship of information throughout this era. War is reflected throughout Fahrenheit representing the repression and censorship experienced by society, creating an atmosphere of fear. The Cold War that followed in later years against the Soviet Union and the Western world idealised communism over democracy. Creative and artistic freedom was cracked down upon as writers and filmmakers were required to regulate content, although Americans at the time where guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press. A heavy pressure to conform within society, following the wars again sparked fear worldwide; reflected in the novel, Montag strives to keep up with society’s dismissal of books, if he speaks out against society he will lose his home and his way of life. This manifested the post war era society was currently experiencing from an economic boost and little unemployment, people were encouraged to follow orders, work hard and you will succeed and get ahead, a perspective Montag struggles to keep up with in his fireman position. Similar to today, the attempt to censor formats of media arises from organised pressure groups, these usually determine what is accessible to children; whether through films/television or today’s internet. Faber could never overcome the conformity and society’s standards when books were originally banned, he feared what others would think of him or what the government may do to I 'm for causing a disturbance in the peace they wished to achieve. Gattaca’s society constant relay of fear following conformity standards as to what is next for their world. Whether genetic modification advances further and current upper class citizens are alienated or an uprising will begin from the “godchildren” born naturally rather than created in a laboratory. Historical context following both World Wars and the uprising of the Cold War helped Bradbury create ideas in the novel from government retaliation witnessed and the public’s conformity towards what was right and wrong. During the period Fahrenheit 451 was drafted, Bradbury observed the overwriting of books from the creation of conventional television, the competition between the two formats is still applicable today. With further technological advances, developing post World War II, including atomic energy and the atomic bomb, people worldwide became fearful of what would occur next. Along …show more content…
This way Bradbury, Orwell, Niccol and many other science fiction writers/directors are able to communicate somewhat controversial or confronting ideas to society without causing distraught amongst society. 1984 criticised the government by depicting a “big brother” figure constantly surveilling the public. All individuality is lost and conformity is key, and those who act against this are punished, similar to Fahrenheit 451. Gattaca’s dystopian society relies on genetic structure to determine social class and stamina, where genetic modification and new technology advanced pre-production of the film. Niccol used the sci-fi movie genre to communicate ideas on how the effects of this new technology could be detrimental for society’s future if used incautiously, not considering possible future outcomes. Conformity exists beyond religion, political affliction and fashion and music taste, rather depend on a persons genetic structure. Children who are not genetically altered are outcasted from society so parents tend to conform under pressure to create “valid” children so they are able to become successful and live long, healthy lives. Government influence on society has led nonconformists to speak out against the over compelling force, Orwell, Niccol and Bradbury had manipulated the science fiction genre to communicate important ideas that would be otherwise confronting in other