Original Example (abstract): Every teen in the United States wants happiness.
Original Example (concrete): The tireless student spent up all night cramming for his final exam in hopes to get a good grade in the class.
Effectiveness/Ineffectiveness (concrete): Concrete is often useful when the author wants to refer to distinct and evident things which are clear and precise. The reader knows what the author is going to say because you use objects and events that we can identify right away rather than having an abstract sentence, which can come off as vague. However, many times concrete should be avoided when trying to persuade the reader to sound more satisfying than straight to the point with details. 20. Ambiguous
Original Example: He finally found his missing key.
Effectiveness/Ineffectiveness: In this example key can mean many things that can be perceived right away having many different meaning in the word key. Does the …show more content…
Euphemism is regularly desired when the writer wants to shed light on a topic to avoid a unpleasant word and it also is effective when you wish to add satire or to add a ironic understatement. Euphemism may be ineffective if you use to much of this because you will seem happy-go-lucky and not look at the other side of the fence to seek the unpleasant wording. Lastly jargon is a technical language and is wished to be used upon when the author wants to associate something new to the reader showing if the reader knows about this language or not. This can be ineffective when the reader has not idea what kind of jargon is being used and can make the reader confused about the