College’s should not allow students to carry concealed firearms because the presence of deadly weapons only increased the likelihood that there is an incident of violence. On nearly …show more content…
With the high incidence of alcohol and drug abuse by college students it would be dangerous to allow them weapons. Especially with 90% incidents of violence on campuses involving alcohol. There is also no conclusive evidence that the presence of handguns on a campus would in any way deter a campus shooter. In fact such an environment might appeal to this type of personality due to the potential volatilities that the conditions provide. Civilians and licensed to carry individuals do not possess the training to safely deal with an armed campus shooter. With more weapons added to this type of situation the likelihood of accidental police shooting of innocent but armed students would escalate. When making such a life and death decision such as whether students should be allowed to carry concealed firearms on campus it is crucial that these decisions are made using knowledge and not reacting to