Andrew Jackson did not have a solid stand on many issues but chose what ever political stand would give him the most popularity. He believed in slaves because he knew that the southerners wanted slaves, thus giving him a majority of the south’s votes. One other reason that he wanted slaves, is because he owned slaves and he wanted what would benefit himself. One beneficial attribute of Jackson was that he was strong believer in hard work because he knew from his childhood that hard work leads to wealth. While Jackson changed his morals in order to win the most votes, Adams was very firm in his beliefs. A few of Adams’ decisions while in governmental position show us that he did not back down on his beliefs to gain the popularity of the people. For example, in his first presidential term, the Creek Indian tribe was selling their land in Georgia, but Adams would not allow America to buy the land because he believed that the selling of the land was not not fairly done, which as a result he lost many political supporters. One more of the many examples on how he did not backdown on his morals was his firm belief that slavery in wrong. This based off of the bible is the correct view, but the slave owners did not like that, and just as before he lost many votes. Jackson believed that a godly leader shows the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. Through how Adams and Jackson …show more content…
Jackson’s childhood was not as elaborate as Adams’, this was what ultimately led to him being elected because his life was more like the common man. The elections of 1828 and today are very similar through the candidates and their qualifications. They are a symbol of there times, just as we are a symbol of our times. In the past the people wanted whom ever they could relate to the best just as today. Donald Trump is similar to Andrew Jackson. They both gained what they have from hard work and doing what they decided would give themselves the most favor. They also are similar because they both do not have much experience in the political field. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton and John Quincy Adams are similar. Clinton and Adams both proceeded through life as a political figure, and they have plenty of experience and qualifications as a result. The election of 1828 and today are very similar and so scrutinizing in the past, and comparing it to the future we can predict the outcome of the upcoming