All men were mainly educated in all empires, and most served in the military. The Middle East had great advancements in education which brought about scribes and astronomy. With all of these advancements though, women were still educated at home. For both China and African civilizations, women were not educated and were more as a servant for men. From education lead to new innovations within the empires. In the Middle East, a new writing system was created known as cuneiform which was composed of marks carved onto wet clay tablets. Also, when the Babylonians took over, they formed a justice system known as the Hammurabi Laws. The Chinese innovated new weapons created from a type of metal known as Bronze. With this new metal, they created tools and wheels. In Africa, they created hieroglyphics, another form of writing composed of picture and symbols which was used to create the Book of the Dead, which told the story of the dead. They also mashed papyrus to make
All men were mainly educated in all empires, and most served in the military. The Middle East had great advancements in education which brought about scribes and astronomy. With all of these advancements though, women were still educated at home. For both China and African civilizations, women were not educated and were more as a servant for men. From education lead to new innovations within the empires. In the Middle East, a new writing system was created known as cuneiform which was composed of marks carved onto wet clay tablets. Also, when the Babylonians took over, they formed a justice system known as the Hammurabi Laws. The Chinese innovated new weapons created from a type of metal known as Bronze. With this new metal, they created tools and wheels. In Africa, they created hieroglyphics, another form of writing composed of picture and symbols which was used to create the Book of the Dead, which told the story of the dead. They also mashed papyrus to make