I think that this is a theme in Boy's Life because Cory Mackenson thinks that his teacher might not really have a summer to go home to. Therefore, he tries to make the end of the school year a little better for her. After Mrs. Neville tells Cory that he is a good writer, she says goodbye to him. Cory says goodbye back to her, something that none of the other students did. Mrs. Neville was pleased by this and she smiled happily.
I think that "taking a chance can be rewarding" is a theme in "Emancipation: A Life Fable" because the animal wakes up one day to find his cage door open. The animal has never left its cage and doesn't really know what is out there in the real world. Nevertheless, the animal takes a chance and leaves its cage, risking not finding food or water. The animal then grows stronger, experiencing all of the things it would have experienced if it wasn't born in a cage. …show more content…
In both stories, the main characters, both take a risk that will either affect them or someone else in a positive way. In Boy's Life the risk effects Mrs. Neville and in "Emancipation: A Life Fable” the risk effects the animal. Another similarity is that both of the main characters have to make a difficult choice. In Boy's Life, Cory has to decide whether to run out when the teacher calls him over or listen to what she has to say. In "Emancipation: A Life Fable” the animal has to decide whether to leave its safe home or go out into the real, more dangerous,