Compare And Contrast Yoda And Odysseus

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Odysseus vs Yoda Do you think that Yoda and Odysseus are heroes? A hero is a person who unshackles someone else, even if they are going to get hurt. Odysseus from the Odyssey is a hero because he is talented, strong, and brave. Yoda from Origami Yoda is a hero because he is wise, kind, and strong.
There are three reasons why Odysseus is a hero from The Odyssey. To begin, Odysseus is talented. According to the text “And without bothering to remove his cloak, Odysseus picked up the discus that was larger and heavier than any of the Phaeacian had used. He spun around expertly on his feet to gain momentum, and let it go” (Lister 13). This shows he is talented because he didn’t have to be bothered removing his cloak. Next, he is strong. According to the text “but he was not dead. Although he was battered, unconscious, and half drowned the mast kept him afloat” (Lister 6). This shows that he is strong because he survived the boat crash caused by Poseidon. Third, Odysseus is brave. According to the text, “At once the spirits of the dead appeared at the entrance to the Underworld and crowded, jostling and screeching, toward the trench, drawn by the scent of blood.” (Lister 39). This shows that Odysseus is brave because he went to the Underworld and saw ghosts.
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To begin, Yoda is kind. In the book Darth Paper Strikes Back, Yoda is nice to Tommy by giving him ideas and advice. This shows that Yoda is kind because he gives Tommy ideas on what to do. Next, Yoda is wise. In the book Darth Paper Strikes Back Yoda has ideas about stopping Darth Paper. This shows that Yoda is wise because Darth Paper is a villain and Origami Yoda is a hero who gives ideas to Tommy. Lastly, he is strong. In the book Darth Paper Strikes Back he fights with Darth Paper. This shows that he is strong because heroes fight villains and heroes win

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