There is very little information in the United States Constitution that limits the tax and spending policies of the government that the Senate and House of Representatives write into law. In the Texas State Constitution though, there are strict and detailed provisions that both the Senate and House of Representatives have to follow before they are written into law. In Texas, these legislators are prohibited to impose a tax on a personal income or allow their government to go into debt and also allow a percentage of the state’s budget to go toward specific policy areas. Congress in the United States is full-time and is required to meet annually. The individuals make a profession as an elected official of the government. These elected officials in Texas are only part-time and are non-professional, in which they meet around every two years for sessions of 140 days long (Richter, 2016). The salary of only small salary encourages its elected officials to acquire outside careers to earn a …show more content…
The histories behind these constitutions have drastically effected how these documents were drafted. These foundations of government at the national and state level were created to outline the relationship between the people and the government. Most states constitutions are based from the United States Constitution, but more detailed and exclusive to the state. Both the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution are a fundamental law that governs and protects the people while assigning powers and duties to government organizations. These documents are an important part of our history and the foundation of the United States and Texas. The framers of both of these Constitutions wanted to provide protection and rights to the people while developing a government system for