In 1692 a group of girls in the village of Massachusetts were accused of dancing in the woods. A man of the name Goody Proctor claimed to have seen them. After figuring out that Goody told the village about seeing the girls in the woods at night, the girls accused Goody of being a witch, and having had connections with the devil. The village started to worry and questioned Proctor about the event, he swore to …show more content…
The have many similarities in what went on during the happenings. Adolf Hitler and Abigail Williams both share the trait of being selfish. Hitler thought that the world would be better without Jews, and Abigail williams thought the world would be better without everyone besides John Proctor. If you were sick in Salem, you were killed. If you were a sick Jew, you were killed. Deaths lead by tyrants, and the over exaggerated number of deaths occurred were both unproportional. ( The Holocaust and Salem Witch trials Once you were accused of being a witch, you had a chance to bring it to the court. Sadly, when you were accused of being a Jew, you had no word or chance to speak their opinion. Both Adolf Hitler and Abigail Williams will never be forgiven of their actions. These were both memorable catastrophe.( The Holocaust and The Salem Witch Trials Let's be grateful for the freedom we have now in the world