Compare And Contrast Gilgamesh And Batman

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Heroes have never been a shortcoming in stories. This includes the Babylonian Myth The Epic of Gilgamesh. However, the type of heroes in modern day culture compared to the one in 1200 BCE are a tad different. When comparing The Epic of Gilgamesh to The Dark Knight version of Batman, the story lines share a lot of similarities. Even with three centuries between the time the tales were told, the themes are parallel. For example, both protagonists have experienced abnormal childhood circumstances, have friends and enemies who influence them and are flawed heroes.
Childhood experiences affect how anyone views future, adult events. Bruce Wayne and Gilgamesh are no exception. Although it is not shown in The Dark Knight, it is no secret what happened to Wayne’s parents. As the three family members were coming back from a movie, a man approached the group with a gun. The mysterious man robbed the couple and then decided to shoot both his mother and father. The man spared Bruce and left him as he fled the scene. Bruce Wayne became Batman because of the murder. Once he witnessed what happened to his parents he wanted to be able to help others in need. He was so young when the murder occurred that he could not possibly have helped his parents; therefore,
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Wayne is influenced to help his city and knows that “there will be a day when Gotham no longer needs Batman.” Wayne is afraid to lose his city and the people he loves. Gilgamesh, on the other hand, is a very selfish hero. He isn’t afraid to lose his close friend, Enkidu, until he is already gone. Gilgamesh’s first instinct when Enkidu dies is think about his own death. He’s afraid to die; therefore, goes on a quest to find immortality. He is more afraid to lose his own life than the lives of others. Although, the protagonist of both legends have this to set them apart they are still connected through how other circumstances and people impact their

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