ENGL 366
October 30, 2017
Jenna vs. Me
My cousin, Jenna, means a lot to me. We grew up not even five minutes away from each other and are only one year and a half apart in age. We have spent a lot of time together. I trust her, and I know that I can go to her with my problems and she understands and comforts me. We continuously see each other every Sunday at the least. Looking back at our lives and childhoods, I notice many similarities. We both went to good schools in St. James Parish, and did well there. We also share an interest in sports. Jenna and I both enjoy spending our time with friends and family, and meeting new people. Although she has been one of my best friends growing up, we still have many differences …show more content…
In reality, both of us had mothers working in the school system, and hers was farther away. Jenna attended Paulina Elementary School (PES), and continued into Lutcher High School (LHS) where she is currently in attendance as a Junior. Instead of only having gone to two schools, I was blessed with having to go to three. When I was growing up, I went to Vacherie Primary School (VPS), then Vacherie Elementary School (VES), and then progressed through St James High School (SJH).
Our school experiences were quite similar. Both of our Mothers worked at the school that we attended, and so we rode to school with them instead of riding a bus. We made high scores, and were well behaved. The faculty knew us well. While we were in elementary school, both PES and VES scored at the top of the schools in our parish. The schools always competed to come on top, and it changed often. This did not really matter to us because we were not in the same grade, but in the back of our minds it was always nice to think that our school came out on …show more content…
She has a group of friends that she has been with from the beginning of school. They do many things together outside of school, and they do many school- related things together too. She is always telling me how she and her friends went here or there, for example around Halloween they went play zombie paintball in Hammond, and they are all on the cheerleading team together and do many activities, like camp, for cheer. I was always invited to her birthday parties and admired her relationship with them. The friends I made were not quite the same. They lasted throughout school, but they were never that close. The people I talked to usually depended on who was in my classes as me. I was rarely invited to things outside of school, and never really had any kind of parties to invite people to; although the few times I did, only a few people came. Jenna is sure that she will keep in touch with most of her friends from high school, they are practically her sisters. I on the other hand knew I would only talk to one or two of my “friends,” and not very