Compare And Contrast Florida And Brown University

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In a society where higher education is now required to be competitive in the world, colleges and universities across the country are fighting to get the top students to attend their school. Every college experience is unique; therefore, each school markets themselves to a different audience of potential students. Each school communicates a different message about the way their educational experience will work by broadcasting various recruitment tools: videos, statistics, articles, and campus pictures. Brown University and the University of Florida are two colleges that use recruitment tools as a way to promote their educational experience, in very similar yet varying ways. Both of these schools are looking to attract the brightest the Nation …show more content…
The “college experience” that is widely talked about is something very individual to each college. No two experiences are the same, and that is why each university puts so much time in to showing prospective students an inside look at what their experience will entail. For example, both Brown University and the University of Florida advertise their college experience through videos. These videos are very unique, and show that if you attend either Brown or Florida, you will have a very different experience at either one. In Brown’s video- “Choosing Brown”- it starts with a very bombastic speaker, asking students if they “speak the language of bosoms and quarks, of human brain waves, or Martian geology” and showing footage of students in lab coats analyzing data in a laboratory (Choosing Brown). The video later goes on to show the audience that the students of Brown are not only geniuses studying the brain waves of the human mind, but that they can also “change the world and have an impact in your backyard” (Choosing Brown). It is very easy to see that Brown wants their potential students to know that they will be well rounded individuals that seriously contribute to the community around them. The video places a huge importance on the educational experience that takes place at Brown, but it takes that educational experience to a much deeper level. It shows students the potential to succeed at Brown and makes them want to be a part of such an incredible college experience unique to this university. Although there are similarities in the focus of the academic programs between Brown and Florida, the overall college experience at Florida contrasts greatly from that of Brown’s experience. The University of Florida also uses a video as a way to communicate with potential freshman. The video that University of Florida uses, “This is Home”, takes

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