By comparing Beowulf to the Pagan hero Hercules, the similarities between the characters suggest that Beowulf is a more Pagan tale than many critics believe. Beowulf and Hercules both had challenges and Trials throughout their lifetime, both mentally and physically. Throughout the story, Beowulf fights off evil monsters. His first battle was against Grendel, an evil monster with no true physical description: “Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches, marauding rounds the heath and the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Cain's clan, whom the creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts” …show more content…
He is remembered as a hero that had tremendous strength and courage, just like Hercules. Hercules and Beowulf did not have many differences. These heroes are thought upon when things like Hero comes to mind. In the end of both stories, people honor their deaths. When everyone ran away with fear, Beowulf and Hercules fought alone. Beowulf is thought upon to be a more Christian poem than Pagan, but when showing the similarities between Beowulf and Hercules, critics may start to change their train of thought. Sure, there is a lot of talk about Beowulf relating to the religion of Christianity, but that's because it's obvious. People who interpret meticulous writing well would see more Pagan references than others. The Paganism in Beowulf is almost hidden, but when understood it becomes more clear that Beowulf is more Pagan than critics