She fills the poem with imagery that gives us an image of a turning point in her life as well as telling us about her possible not so great future as the daughter of her parents. Seeing them standing at the gates of their college about to graduate “I see my father strolling out under the ochre sandstone arch, the red tiles glinting like bent plates of blood behind his head.” (Olds 440) “I see my mother with a few light books at her hip standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks with the wrought- iron gates still open behind her, its sword-tips black in the May air.” (Olds 440-41) She knows her parents are going to suffer pain through their marriage but there is no way she could stop them or maybe she could but she comes off as selfish for wanting to live “You are going to do bad things to children, you are going to suffer in ways you never heard of, you are going to want to die.” (Olds 441) It is more than obvious she had an unhappy childhood or experienced a divorce from her parents. She describes her mom as hungry pretty face and her dad as arrogant handsome face meaning her mom probably wishes she could have succeeded on her own or maybe just not satisfied with her marriage. Living with disappointment and feeling like she failed them. “Do what you are going to do, and I will tell about it.” …show more content…
Simon Bradstreet and Anne Bradstreet both got married at an extremely young age and their love has never failed in other words it got so much stronger that no amount of gold could ever compare to it. Sharon Olds parents also got married at a young age at the age in which they were barely beginning to live. College graduates who most likely didn’t enjoy their careers. They didn’t have the chance to enjoy themselves when they had the responsibly of marriage over their shoulders. There were two different time period and in the time period of Bradstreet it was a usual thing to get married at this age and be happy till the end of your days. Olds time period is a much later time period in which this was not so common. Divorce was an option and being able to leave was easier since nobody really saw it as something atrocious. By all means as different as both stories are we can see how marriage at a young age can go one of two ways it can either last an extremely long time and still feel the same way towards your partner even after the years have passed. Getting married at a young age and regretting it the rest of your life or even have your children wish marriage was not an option. “I take them up like the male and female paper dolls and bang them together” (Olds 441) describes Olds. Most of the time you hurry and get into marriage due to the fact that you feel like it’s an