I have been a part of many school and community programs in order to prepare my goals. In order to attain a career in health,I have participated in the Center for Leadership Development’s RAWLS Scholars Initiative at Eskenazi Hospital. It has provided me with the opportunity to closely interact with medical professionals and medical students to gain firsthand knowledge. I have also been a part of the Health Career Opportunities Program at the University of Indianapolis. It gave me an insight as to what a doctor 's life is like, in and outside of the job. My most valuable assets have been taught to me in the music activities that I partake in. Because of them, I have learned to play many instruments and gained a new appreciation for music from all genres and cultures. In order to prepare to invest music back into the community, I have included myself in a plethora of musical activities and programs such as The Performing Arts Conservatory at Eastern Star church, marching band, jazz band, and orchestra. I have even taken A.P music theory better educate myself. Being in so many music programs has taught me discipline and how to work well with others. Music has allowed me to express myself and become a well- rounded individual. The 100 Black Men of Indianapolis Beautillion Militaire has taught me to be a critical thinker, culturally grounded, and globally conscientious. It has also taught me the importance of brotherhood and how to successfully network within my community. The Center for Leadership Development’s Self-Discovery/ career exploration program has not only taught me how to lead, but it has provided me with a greater insight into personal, educational and career goals and how to overcome barriers that might impede my achievement. TeenWorks 360 has shown me the importance of community service and how easy it is to get involved and make an impact on the community. …show more content…
Without the help and encouragement from my community I would not be the same person today. That is why I try my best to partake in community service whenever I have the opportunity. I have volunteered my labor, time, or musical abilities for many organizations to help better the community. I have volunteered at Gleaners Food bank, Indy Urban Acres, St. John 's Baptist Church, Eastern Star Church, Mozel Sanders food drive foundation, Lutherwood Child Services and in the Broad Ripple community. When I worked as a caterer, I took the extra food, that would have otherwise been thrown away and gave it to homeless people on my way home. I see their struggle and wish to help in any way I can. In order to do that, it would be a blessing to have one less concern on my plate, that being my financial struggle. My ultimate goal, as stated previously, is to become an anesthesiologist, that requires around 12 years of post secondary education. I see no problem in being mentally able to endure that amount of time in school, my only concern is with the financial obligations of undergraduate, graduate, and residency school. I come from a household of a single mother barely being able to support her three children. Throughout my adolescence, it became very clear that my family would not be able to support me through college. Receiving this award will help ease an enormous burden from my life and will be the first of many steps toward achieving success. That success was almost thwarted