The front runner candidate for this position was Leon Trotsky . Another party member, Joseph Stalin, managed to out-maneuverer and dispose of his opponents. A coalition was formed that drove out Trotsky, and afterwards Stalin dominated and disposed of his allies by sidelining them, achieving absolute power. The primary proponent for the general acceptance of Stalin 's rise to power can be attributed to the immense causalities that occurred during the Russian civil war . Stalin furthermore employed the use of propaganda which allowed him to control the masses without any opposition. He used propaganda to create a "cult of personality" for himself. His methods consisted of airbrushing photos to show him as a father the USSR, using the media to glorify himself along with creation of statues and paintings to portray himself as the savior of the nation . This allowed him free reign to silence any individual, along with majority of the Bolshevik leaders supporting Stalin 's goal to speed up Russia 's rate of industrialization . To gain the resources Stalin passed forced agriculture collectivization, governments owned all means of productions and resources and individuals were forced to work for the communist state . Annual growth rates were estimated to be around 14-20 percent per year , at a large cost of human life. With a command economy in place the country transformed to an industrial world …show more content…
The primary of which being a disdain for communism and festering wounds from World War One. With the German Economy devastated because of the great depression Germany was grasping at any alternate that would give them hope. National Socialism was born out of the population 's disappointment with the Weimar republic and shattered pride. Inspired by the model established by Mussolini and the "march on Rome", Adolf Hitler initially had tried to lead the Nazis to take over power in Bavaria. The coup failed and Hitler was thrown in jail. During those years Hitler wrote Mein Kampf which became the basis for his ideas. He realized that to seize power it would be through votes. Nazi popularity increased due the German economy being in shambles along with increased radical sentiments and fear of communism. Fearing the increasing popularity of Nazis President Hindenburg asked Hitler to become Chancellor in a attempt to lessen the radicalism. After the Reichstag fire occurred Hitler used the public fear of communism to convince Hindenburg to suspend the Reichstag along civil rights and grant him complete control. With absolute power the third Reich was established. Hitler 's Nazism was like Mussolini’s Fascism barring one key point. Nazism had a facet of social Darwinism, which along with anti-Semitic sentiments led to countless atrocities. He extensively discusses his goals in his book. The primary goals were to