COM 453 (Fall 2015 – Session B)
Assignment One (A1): Description of Organization
Part 1: Organizational Information
1. Name of the organization and the specific business or service(s) they provide
Name: Prescott Radiologists, LLP. Service(s) Provided: Medical billing and coding.
2. History of background
Prescott Radiologists was started in 1971 by a group of radiologists. The group needed a billing office to conduct radiology related billing and coding services for the exams they were reading at YRMC. With this need, the group also wanted to keep the billing office local instead of an outsourced company, so they created their own billing company to fulfill this need. (M.Goermar, personal communication, October 16, 2015)
3. Vision or purpose of the organization …show more content…
The organization is responsible for the financial processing, related to patient exams. Once the exam information is obtained, separate teams work to code the exam, send out insurance claims, follow-up with submitted claims, and work to obtain payment from patients and insurance companies for the completed exam. (M.Goermar, personal communication, October 16, 2015)
4. Official Mission Statement
Not Available (See explanation at end of assignment)
5. Where is this organization located? Multiple Locations?
Prescott Radiologists, LLP., is a single office location located on 1000 Ainsworth Dr., Ste. 215, Prescott, AZ 86305.
6. What is the size of this organization (how many members)?
The company consists of 8 physician owners, 1 office manager and 10 employees (1 employee works from home).
7. Organizational chart discussing working arrangement and/or workflow between leadership and employees/volunteers.