If awarded a scholarship I would be able to continue my education here at Columbus State University. CSU is one of the first steps toward accomplishing my academic goals. I want to transfer to The Georgia Institute of Technology after completing the RETP program here at Columbus State University. At Georgia Tech, I plan to major in Civil Engineering and minor in mathematics. After completing my undergraduate degree, I want to continue my education and pursue a Master’s Degree. …show more content…
I took great joy in helping my local community and jumped on as many community service opportunities as possible. Some of the community service projects I have worked on are Operation Christmas Child, NHS Pre-k Christmas Project, and International Food Night which is a fundraiser for Relay for Life sponsored by National Honor Society. The most rewarding community service project I have been involved is the Trick or Treat so Kids Can Eat food drive. This food drive is nationwide effort to help end hunger in local communities. The drive is sponsored by the International Thespian Society. As my school’s chapter president I worked on the project from the early planning stages through the delivery of the food to the local food bank. My chapter was able to collect over 10,000 pounds of canned food in single