To start off, composer Ludwig van Beethoven, although functionally deaf, wrote nine symphonies’. Before long, Beethoven continued to work and be able to expand his vocabulary within music. Being able to have more words to describe and be able to communicate the softness and loudness of the piano, led to more fluent and precise performances. Dolente and teneramente were just two of the many words that mean sorrowful and tenderly to describe nuances. Nuances are small things that differ between different types of expression or responses by others ( In the beginning of his works, he was structurally more like your common classical form of symphony. But, towards the end he broke away from old habits and experimented with more movements, such as a fifth movement to his Sixth Symphony. Another way he used new techniques in his works is the way Beethoven incorporated the use of solo voices within the symphony and added a chorus in his ninth symphony. All of these things contribute to the way the symphony relates to some of the major musical developments in the eighteenth century. This is because Beethoven’s ninth symphony if the first symphony to use human voice as a component of the instrumentation. Alongside the chorus were, not only one, but four solo …show more content…
Colonialism was a big part of the British and their way of showing power, when they fixed their policies across land as they led the way through the race for overseas colonies. In order to end up as final ruler in 1858, the British began with the taking over of India where the commercial imperialism led to conquest, and of course total rule. In comparison to most of the rest of the world, they had “an abundant labor supply, strong domestic and overseas markets, plentiful capital, a sound banking system, good transportation, rich coal deposits, a stable government, a favorable business climate, and, finally, a series of remarkable inventions that first transformed the textile industry and subsequently, a host of ' others” (West in Age). Most of Asia, Africa, and Latin America were controlled as well, and soon the rest of the world. The new controllers began partitioning Africa in 1830 after all of Africa was taken over and the split between the French conquest of Algeria sparked the rest of the downfall of Africa. Most African were enslaved and working on white-owned plantations and mines. Where land to the people once resided, were now feasting grounds leased to others for hopes to find rubber, diamonds, and