High school and college may appear to be closely related, but in reality they are two distinct worlds. It is crucial to recognize that the two, however slightly similar, mostly contrast in order to successfully complete the transition between the two. In transitioning from high school to college, a student would need to know what to expect, specifically how some behaviors that would have been considered taboo in the former are often acceptable in the latter. Colleges tend to offer a more substantial amount of freedom. High school on the other hand tends to focus on discipline and structural matters. W henever analyzing the aspects of college and high school, one would find the two differ in the rules and testing; however, …show more content…
They both play a significant role in the preparation for the student’s future. In high school students are taught to treat college as the next step. Most objectives in high school are oriented towards getting ready for that next step. Whether it be AP classes, ACT prep, or honors courses, the endgame is being prepared for college. College is similar in this way only instead of preparing the pupil for another round of schooling, they are being prepared for their future occupation. They spend years in college, as with high school, getting ready to move forward with their lives. The difference lies in the type of preparation. In high school only two options are offered: career pathway and college preparatory. In college the options are without end, but they both guide for the same purpose the future of the student.
In conclusion, high school and college lean more towards different than similar. Being similar in nature is a common misconception among uninformed students. They may be prepared for an experience much more connected with high school. Those same students will be in for quite the system shock when they learn exactly how disconnected the two really are. Preparation for the future seems to be the only real similarity between the two. W henever analyzing the aspects of college and high school, one would find the two differ in the rules and testing; however, both play