The United States Congress should start off by creating a new law that offers lower college tuition varying from eight hundred dollars to four thousand dollars per year, depending on the college major that the college individual chooses. It should not matter if they choose a difficult major or a basic major, it is up to that person to complete their courses with acceptable grades because not every career pays well, no matter how inspirational the college student is. To start off with this solution, we can sign a petition with over at least one thousand supporters for recognition from the Senate and things will be able to move along from there to the President. If the U.S. Government creates a new law for lower college tuitions varying from eight hundred dollars to four thousand dollars a year, there will be more people going to college and continuing their education until they meet their goals and expectations. This law will provide less stress on millions to even billions of students that are planning to go to college and for those who are currently in college. This will open up more doors for everyone who is interested in “working with their dream career” and for those who want to make more than minimum wage for the rest of their lives. Although, this solution may make a difference for the billions of those individuals …show more content…
The board of education works with people on a regular basis, so there is a better understanding of where these individuals come from. Since there are countless regulations regarding higher college tuition, it is possible for the board of education to create different types of organizations so college will be affordable for all. (College Board 7). The organizations that will be developed will contain pure support from every single staff member that works in the board of education. There will be a fasttrack organization with excessive tutors that will work with students on a weekly basis, guarantee a degree within the exact amount of years that is required and support will be provided for students to complete their courses quicker to save the time and money. For instance, a bachelor degree typically takes about four years to obtain for full time students, and some students may take longer than others to obtain this degree. This organization will make sure every student is on track to obtain their required degree within the time frame required and they will make sure that every student is in good hands. There will also be charities held to gather all of the money to cover at least half of the costs for every