What Is College A Waste Of Time Essay

Improved Essays
Many middle and high school students are planning for their futures. Not only are they planning for life but also for college. Some think college is a waste of time and money. Others think it will be the best option there is. In reality, college sets you up for your future. College helps you gain the necessary skills to prepare you for further life. Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Having a post-secondary education helps you be the best you dream to be and prepares you for adult life

One reason going to college is a good choice is because you will make more money in your chosen job. For example, “Workers with a bachelor’s degree for example earned about $415 more than workers whose highest education level was a high school diploma.” (www.bls.org/CPS) Students will earn more when
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For instance, president Obama had a hard time at first but it got better because he explains in a speech about the importance of education, “But I was-I was lucky. I got a lot of second chances, and I had the opportunity to go to college and law school and follow my dreams.” (Obama) In this speech president Obama explained the importance of education and how it can get hard sometimes. He goes on to to tell us he is is lucky to have gone to college and be where he is in the world today. People do have a point though when they say it takes a long time. Four years is a long time. Many things can happen. In college you will meet new people, learn new useful skills, develop an adult life, and plan out the rest of your life. All the things you do in college prepare you for life even if it means students just are to classes on time. In the real world if they are late to work they can be fired and get in lots of trouble. In reality, college is a lot more than just four years of torture, it is four years of continuing to plan your

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