Algebra is necessary because it is the branch of mathematics that studies l combining elements of abstract structures according to certain rules . Originally these elements would put be interpreted as numbers or quantities, so that the algebra somewhat originally was a generalization .
The adjective " algebraic " usually denotes a relationship with algebra , such as in algebraic structure . For historical reasons, it may also indicate a relationship with the solutions of polynomial equations , algebraic numbers , algebraic extension or algebraic expression. It AGREES distinguishes between :
Elementary algebra is the part of algebra that is usually taught in mathematics courses .
Abstract algebra is the name given to …show more content…
The main ones are: =, which reads like a. Thus, a = b reads "a equals b". >, Which is read greater than. Thus, x + y> m reads "x + y greater than m". .
Grouping symbols
The grouping symbols are usually the parentheses (), the angular parentheses or brackets [], braces {} and the bar or link ||. These signs indicate that the operation placed between them should be made first. Thus, (a + b) c indicates that the result of the sum must be multiplied by c and b; [A - b] m indicates that the difference between a and b must be multiplied by m, {a + b} ÷ {c - d} indicates that the sum of a and b should be divided between the difference of c and d. The order of these signs are as follows {[()]}, for example: {[(a + b) - c] ⋅ d} indicates that the result of the sum of a + b must be subtracted result cy This multiplied by d.
Common signs and symbols
Signs and symbols are used in algebra - and generally set theory and algebra of sets - with those equations, matrices, series, etc. constitute Their letters are called variables, since that letter is used in other problems and its value is