My junior year was not the easiest for me, I didn’t always attend class like I should, never really listened to teachers, so for my senior year, i’ve set a good goal for myself, that I need to work hard and GRADUATE so I can move on with my life and get my future going, I am a kind caring person who has flaws like any other person but I set goals for myself. I have a cat that I care for and love a lot, and I also love spending time with my family and going outside.
The reason I call myself a caregiver is that I take care of kids a lot; wherever I am I have a kid with me. I've been babysitting this little boy since he was 2 months old and he is now gonna be three years old in a month and his parents just recently had another little boy who I was there the day he was …show more content…
I grew up with social workers being around not exactly for me always but my brother saw one once in awhile and I noticed that if you interact with the children they open up more. That’s another reason i believe I could be a good social worker is i’am a pretty observant person and you need to be in order to be a social worker. You have to be able to observe the surroundings around you and feel any hostility or tension you have to be able to notice what others