Most people misunderstand the proposed purpose of taking a knee. They believe that it is disrespectful to not put your hand over your heart and stand respectfully towards the flag while the national anthem is being played. Because the national anthem is a form of celebrating our country and …show more content…
They will generally see the movement as too aggressive and will ignore its presence in modern day society and the impact that has. They also say that the way to really get racism to end is to stop talking about it.
They typically feel this way because the things that people are fighting for are not for them or benefit them. They would rather live life oblivious to the social injustice around them.
Another reason this is the best option of protesting is because of the NFL’s wide audience throughout the week. Football is America’s sport and is generally the most popular to talk about and keep up with. It generates a conversation that can not normally be grown as large because of its large fan base. It is generally hard for people to advocate for a cause and actually have it gain attention unless they already have a large influence in the public eye. If they have a voice they should be allowed to use it to advocate for things they believe in. They are only putting their …show more content…
Our current
President Donald Trump uses vulgar words to express his distaste for the protest and a reality tv catch phrase to emphasize his views that any football player that takes a knee deserves to be fired. Since when should peaceful protesting and expressing your first amendment right be what decides if you are a good football player or not. The two do not correlate with one another at all.
Donald Trump is already known to be offensive to the black community with his inaccurate statistics about the amount of black youth unemployment and sidings/affiliating with racist business owners and political figures.
Another impact is that it has become a major step for the black community protests and movements toward black equality. It brings the topic of social injustice of racism to the front lines for media coverage. While other famous black movement such as the famous civil rights movement of the 60s and the more recent black lives matter movement have put black social injustice of the front lines, their impact is slowly decreasing as their power is put on the