In the famous Truman Doctrine, Truman encourages and asks congress to take immediate action to assist Turkey and Greece. “ [T]o rally popular backing, Turman appealed to the strongest rhetorical argument - the defense of freedom. Twenty-four times in the eighteen minute speech, Turman use the words “free” or “freedom”.” This being a core value of the United States it influenced Congress. Freedom was what brought us out of isolationism to win against oppression. Turman knowing his audience played on our …show more content…
A widely criticized point was you can not fight a generalized war of world freedom vs slavery. If you did you could not tell personal agendas vs a fight for democracy. Walter Lippmann, an open criticizer of the cold war, wrote in his book “Our diplomatic agents abroad would have to have an almost unerring capability to judge correctly and quickly which men and which parties were reliable containers. Here at home Congress and the people would have to stand ready to back their judgments as to who should be nominated, who should be subsidized, you should be whitewashed, who should be seeing through rose-colored spectacles, who should be made our clients and our allies.” Were were going to fight a political war with an uncertainty that should be noted. “A diplomatic war conducted as this policy demands, that is to say conducted indirectly, means that we must stake our own security and the peace of the world upon satellites, puppets, clientes, agents about whom we know very little.” This polocy was risky and many noted that it was too undefined to be