In document B and D it contains things about nuclear power. In document B it shows a duck poster and cover. This was something Americans were taught to do if there was ever a nuclear attack. Document D also shows a poster. The poster in document D shows a picture of a guy building something like a shelter to protect himself and his family from a nuclear attack. In the poster it says “your one defense against fallout” then it also says that the booklet that the woman is holding is free and to get it from a local civil defense. The source for document D is a Civil Defense Publication from 1959. During the Cold War, the United States maintained a “triad” of ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers in a strategic nuclear arsenal of more than 10,000 warheads. During the 1990s, the United States reduced the size of this arsenal to around 7,000 warheads, but maintained all three legs of the triad. In 1954, the United States began “Operation Alert” which was a series of exercises and drills to simulate a nuclear attack and evaluate American preparedness. These drills were performed annually until
In document B and D it contains things about nuclear power. In document B it shows a duck poster and cover. This was something Americans were taught to do if there was ever a nuclear attack. Document D also shows a poster. The poster in document D shows a picture of a guy building something like a shelter to protect himself and his family from a nuclear attack. In the poster it says “your one defense against fallout” then it also says that the booklet that the woman is holding is free and to get it from a local civil defense. The source for document D is a Civil Defense Publication from 1959. During the Cold War, the United States maintained a “triad” of ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers in a strategic nuclear arsenal of more than 10,000 warheads. During the 1990s, the United States reduced the size of this arsenal to around 7,000 warheads, but maintained all three legs of the triad. In 1954, the United States began “Operation Alert” which was a series of exercises and drills to simulate a nuclear attack and evaluate American preparedness. These drills were performed annually until