“According to the pain clinic research reports,” chronic pain victims can be classified into two groups. First, include retirees and overweight people who are avoiding small activities. They think it may make their symptoms worse, For instance, they are skipping light physical activities and shopping as well. Second, …show more content…
It is hard to diagnose their persistent soreness. Because most of them cannot describe their condition properly to their doctors, so their illness remains untreated. The common disorders seniors face include knee, neck, and back, as well as sleeping difficulties. A small group of doctors established the "American Geriatrics Society" (AGS). They concentrated and researched the older aged patients ' diseases. AGS clinics have many specialists. They are providing therapeutic education for their aged adults, so they can learn how to control their pain level. This nonprofit organization does its best to control the retirees’ chronic pain and improve their lifestyle. Health care providers are teaching their patients self- manage techniques like, how to avoid their emotion, get plenty of rest, eat well or massage a certain place of the body to reduce pain. In particular, those people have a difficult time going to sleep therefore any activity may help them to have a nice sleep (Sheena Harrison …show more content…
They may have difficulties to find the right resources to restore their chronic illness. Nowadays, technology is accessible in all of the developed countries. Individuals can search for reliable sources through various channels that help and educate them with their health problems. Sometimes a patient diagnosed with the wrong disease may be sent to the wrong place for a long time to treat his/her chronic pain or other health issues. Even the government health care policy makers are aware of the situation; however; they have created a program called "cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)." This program helps patients to control their pain. CBT has different types of physical activities to reduce chronic discomfort. Doctors are attempting to provide the best treatment possible to their patients. Patients with Chronic pain should spend some quality of time to reach their goal. They should follow the therapist 's instructions and report back any changes happening within that duration, for instance, if any of the exercises gives them discomfort at home or in the rehabilitation centers, patients should let the health care providers know about it (John D. Otis