According to Henderson and Thompson (2011), Cognitive-behavioral therapists have three fundamental assumptions: activities impact behavior; cognitive activity can be monitored and changed; and a desired change in behavioral can be accomplished through changing cognitions” (p. …show more content…
In Derek’s case, for example, it is clear that his current situation was determined by the way he sees himself. He sees himself as a failure because he believes what others say about him, he does not have lots of friends, and he thinks that his parents do not care for him. Of course that the fact that he is in a residential treatment program and his family has some issues to work on influence Derek’s distorted thoughts about himself. I like the way that the counselor conducted the session making Derek think in an alternative way about one of his distorted thoughts. It helped Derek realize that his assumptions were incorrect (Henderson and Thompson, 2011). Through CBT, Derek could learn the influence that his own thoughts have on his