This artwork shows an example of propaganda surrounding the Persian Empire since it depicts the king as a person with all-powerful control over his incredibly widespread Empire. This leaves a physical legacy of the imperial power Persia prided itself in having (textbook, 78-80). Within the Polis of Athens, they utilized architecture to depict their governmental power. An article written in the World History Encyclopedia titled “Parthenon” discusses specific architecture further by explaining the Athenian Parthenon created in 430 BCE under Athenian ruler Pericles. The Parthenon was created in honor of the Greek Goddess Athena and was overall beautifully built with many intricate designs, pillars created to look perfectly straight, and the building placed atop a hill and pedestal. This building was meant to symbolize greatness in Athenian culture amid their win in the Greco-Persian war and their advanced ideas compared to others at the time (Document 6). People had obtained wealth within the Polis during this golden age and beautiful things, meaning art, could be displayed which also showed how advanced their society
This artwork shows an example of propaganda surrounding the Persian Empire since it depicts the king as a person with all-powerful control over his incredibly widespread Empire. This leaves a physical legacy of the imperial power Persia prided itself in having (textbook, 78-80). Within the Polis of Athens, they utilized architecture to depict their governmental power. An article written in the World History Encyclopedia titled “Parthenon” discusses specific architecture further by explaining the Athenian Parthenon created in 430 BCE under Athenian ruler Pericles. The Parthenon was created in honor of the Greek Goddess Athena and was overall beautifully built with many intricate designs, pillars created to look perfectly straight, and the building placed atop a hill and pedestal. This building was meant to symbolize greatness in Athenian culture amid their win in the Greco-Persian war and their advanced ideas compared to others at the time (Document 6). People had obtained wealth within the Polis during this golden age and beautiful things, meaning art, could be displayed which also showed how advanced their society