LBJ thought the “domino theory” would happen if the U.S. didn’t step in. People of the United States including LBJ followed the principle that communism was seen as evil and needed to be stopped and contained. People believed that the war was destroying America’s democracy. It was argued that the war violated the U.S. democratic values such as “going to war without a formal declaration of war from congress, presidential secrets and lies, FBI surveillance of peace protesters, and unjust draft deferments for middle- and upper-class men who could afford to go to college” (Keene 796). The significance is that some citizens got to get out of the draft by enrolling in college. There was a large number of people who couldn’t afford higher education and where then forced into the draft and active
LBJ thought the “domino theory” would happen if the U.S. didn’t step in. People of the United States including LBJ followed the principle that communism was seen as evil and needed to be stopped and contained. People believed that the war was destroying America’s democracy. It was argued that the war violated the U.S. democratic values such as “going to war without a formal declaration of war from congress, presidential secrets and lies, FBI surveillance of peace protesters, and unjust draft deferments for middle- and upper-class men who could afford to go to college” (Keene 796). The significance is that some citizens got to get out of the draft by enrolling in college. There was a large number of people who couldn’t afford higher education and where then forced into the draft and active